
Our Favorite New Songs This Week 4/3/20

Panic – Annie Hamilton
Money For Flowers – Paper Idol
Beauty Queen – Trophy Wife
How Big Is Your Brain? – Super American
Learn – The Dunts
VCR – Saytr Play
Take Yourself Home – Troye Sivan
Pay For It – July Talk
Summer – Mumm-ra
Time Eats Up – TV People
Split The Sky – Alex The Astronaut
When Did We Get So Normal? – Spector
Blue Moon – Eve Owen
Saviour – Outsider
Figure 8 – Peach Pit
Classy Girls (B Version) – The Lumineers
Friend – Daisy The Great, Sipper
More! More! More! – Baby Strange

Let us know what else you’ve been listening to or if you have any upcoming singles that we should include

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