
Fall For Another Day – Jeff Draco

We recently featured singer-songwriter and recent viral TikToker Jeff Draco’s excellent new single, “Fall For Another Day” on one of our weekly playlists. Its a slice of dreamy alt-pop about wanting to be with someone but being in a long-distance relationship brought on by a world returning to a new normal (“I’d skip time just find a way, Just to get you right by my side”). Check it out here:

On the new single, Jeff shares: “this song is very personal for me and has my whole heart in it. i feel like it’s more vulnerable than some of my other work. i had a ton of finished demos, a lot of which experimented with slightly different styles/sounds prior to writing “Fall For Another Day,” but felt like FFAD was how i wanted to move forward with my sound. it includes a lot of my ‘signature’ sounds in terms of FX and tone but introduces some new elements in style. i wanted to create something with a lot of energy. this song also set a baseline for how i’ve approached all songs i’ve written since.”

JEFF DRACO is a 21-year-old singer-songwriter from Maryland. Fusing kaleidoscopic dream pop with vibrant beach rock sensibilities, he creates nostalgia-tinged tunes from his apartment at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD.

Jeff was born into a musical family and has been playing music since age five. From ages 10-16, he played guitar for Nashville’s “New-Orleans jazz-punk” band The Willies and was featured on Diamond Youth’s EP, Don’t Lose Your Cool – released in 2012 on Topshelf Records. In high school, he fronted Baltimore garage-rock band STRANGER, and joined Baltimore rock group, The Dune Flowers, on drums in summer 2017.

In fall 2017, Jeff began creating music for his solo endeavor, releasing his first single, “On My Mind,” in March 2018. “Don’t Keep Me Waiting Around,” his second single and most acclaimed track, was released two months later. In September 2018, his debut album “Paradise” was released.

Jeff’s 2019 release “For Too Long” remains his most-streamed track racking up 175,000+ streams across all platforms. Just this past summer, his single “Last Night” was featured on Spotify’s metropolis playlist for 6 weeks. Finally, Jeff and his band have played up and down the east coast, filling small clubs and house venues, including a performance at Firefly Music Festival in 2019. Jeff plans to get back out on the road as soon as it’s safe – until then you can expect much more music from Jeff Draco in the near future.

You can get more info at Jeff’s website and can follow him on Twitter and Instagram

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