Dark Patterns – Advocaat
Pennsylvanian punk duo Advocaat recently released their second EP ‘Dark Patterns’ on Big Eleanor Records. Recorded at the Kaleidoscope in Lancaster PA, “Dark Patterns” is a 6 song spin cycle of negative behavioral approaches. Whether personal or historic, this project exists in the exact center, as well as the outside looking in on these decisive mental tactics.
There is a diversity of styles on the EP that showcases the band’s songwriting. It opens with the title track, a full-ahead punk-rock song, and is followed by ‘Ghost’, which is probably the most commercial and accessible of the collection, and the brooding, slow-burning ‘Tonight’’.
Check out the EP below:
Advocaat is a punk rock duo from southeastern PA, consisting of members Kyle Patrick Caffrey and Danny NoNo. You can follow the band on Facebook and Instagram or buy one of their EPs over on their Bandcamp page